Bridgestone coming out with two new balls

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, January 19th, 2006
Categories: Golf BallsGolf Equipment

I’ve gotten to know the local Bridgestone rep over the last half a year or so. He’s not your prototypical golf rep. He’s a young dude, shaved head and one of those Vijay under the lip hair things. He looks like he could be the vocalist for Disturbed.

He got me some Precept Laddie Extreme balls last summer and I did a small post on them. The best $20/dozen balls I’ve played for sure. The word is now that they’re $15. Smokin’.

I mentioned the Extreme’s to him and he told me they were coming out with two more balls, the e5 and e6. One is a “distance” ball and and the other a “distance & spin” ball. I asked him how you could have both distance and spin since most opinions are that you can’t have both. He told me that the ball was as long as any he’d hit, and it had major spin around the greens.

The kicker, is these going to be priced in the CHEAP category. Even poor hackers can afford good golf balls these days.

Kiwi speaks

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, January 19th, 2006
Categories: Golf Media

Kiwi’s blog “Kiwi Hacker” is up and running! Kiwi is a good guy and active on many of the golf forums. He’s got a nice, original way of presenting his takes from down under. Go check it out.

Daly Planet: Almost as bad as the Natalie Gulbis show

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, January 19th, 2006
Categories: Golf MediaMiscellaneousPGA Tour

“The Daly Planet” on The Golf Channel… This is the highly anticipated John Daly reality show.

TGC missed the boat (or should I say double wide). Where are the real behind the scenes clips? You know, the ones where strippers are flashing their breasts, drunk people are pounding beers, mini JD’s are at the barber getting their mullets trimmed, or perhaps JD is rolling out of bed after a “long” night.

I’d have to grade this program barely above the Natalie Gulbis show. That would be an F. The NG show was an F-. I may watch the 2nd episode to see if it’s any better, but I may opt to go get a prostate exam.

Very bad news

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, January 18th, 2006
Categories: MiscellaneousPGA Tour

I just found out today that my former best friend’s Masters tickets were pulled. That would be the friend that was TAKING ME for 4 days.

Apparently his tickets were originally his deceased father’s. He was going to the tournament posing as his father or something like that. Someone apparently tattled on him and he lost the “privilege” to be a “patron.”

Talk about letting the air out of the balloon. I’m deflated for sure. But I’m still hoping to get my letter back from Augusta National informing me that I made the lottery for practice round tickets….


HOG news

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, January 18th, 2006
Categories: MiscellaneousSite News

Fantasy Golf

The fantasy league is going to be AWESOME! We’ve got 24 teams so far. Join now if you haven’t already. There will be prizes and Nintendo has signed on as a sponsor! I’m still looking for 2-3 more sponsors too so hopefully we can have some great prizes.

This Week On Tour

All last year I had a block on the left column for the current week’s tour events and TV times as best as I could get them. I hope that has been useful to you. To make it easier I’m moving it to it’s own page now. In order to publish that block in the left column I had to go into the site template and program the html code which was a total pain. Now I can just add the text into a static page. The link to that page is in the upper left internal links.


As EatGolf has said, I have the gift of gab. It’s more like the gift of type. I’ve been considering doing podcasts. What is your opinion? Podcast or no? How often? What subjects? A certain sponsor has requested that their product be featured on a podcast so I’m experimenting with it. I’ve already got the feed and a test podcast is already listed in iTunes. Don’t bother checking it out yet though, it’s just a test.

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