HOG Android App Released!

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, June 9th, 2017
Categories: AppsGolfGolf For WomenMiscellaneousSite News

I’m happy to announce the release of the world’s first golf blog Android app!  Hooked on Golf Blog is now available as an Android app, free in the Google Play Store here.  HOG blazed the golf blogging trail when it began in 2004, and continues to blaze new trails in the world of golf media.

The HOG Android app was designed to be easy to use. Reading the latest posts takes one finger tap. Getting a list of posts in a single category, like equipment reviews is one tap. Now HOG patrons can enjoy the brilliant, well written, entertaining, enlightening content here anywhere, on their mobile device. Read HOG in line at the DMV or waiting to get drilled at the dentist!

iOS App

If you are an iOS user, the app is also available on the Apple App Store here.

NEW Better Search!

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, April 14th, 2017
Categories: Site News

I’ve just launched a new search and search results page here at Hooked on Golf Blog. I used to have a Google site search but I’m not too thrilled with how it worked, and despite having pages of results, the page wouldn’t scroll.

So I’ve put in my own search which is on a look-and-feel level with the rest of the site theme. Try it out. The search field is usually in the upper right of each page.

Here are some fun search terms to punch in (example results for articles featuring “big boobs” in image below):

Big Boobs
April Fool
Holly Saunders
Tiger Woods

Contact Hooked On Golf Blog!

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, February 5th, 2016
Categories: MiscellaneousSite News

I’m a little unhappy about something I just found out. A Hooked On Golf Blog Facebook follower sent me a note a few days ago letting me know he was having trouble getting through to me on the site’s contact form at https://www.hookedongolfblog.com/contact. It appears that at some point a server/site update broke the contact form. I’m not sure just how long the contact form has been broken.

In the few days since I fixed the contact form I’ve gotten quite a stunning number of messages from people I’m very happy to hear from, both new and old. There’s no telling how long the form was broken and how many people got frustrated and gave up trying to contact me. For that I apologize.

If you tried to send me a note previously and couldn’t, now you should be able to.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Template test #2… I like this one

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, March 12th, 2009
Categories: Site News

This template I’m using today is very cool.  I’ve seen one other golf blog using it so far but that is ok because I’ll end up tweaking it a bit anyway.  I’m leaning toward this one because I like the look.  It has a place for my banners to go in the upper right and the column layout is very clean.





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