I’m happy to announce the release of the world’s first golf blog Android app! Hooked on Golf Blog is now available as an Android app, free in the Google Play Store here. HOG blazed the golf blogging trail when it began in 2004, and continues to blaze new trails in the world of golf media.

The HOG Android app was designed to be easy to use. Reading the latest posts takes one finger tap. Getting a list of posts in a single category, like equipment reviews is one tap. Now HOG patrons can enjoy the brilliant, well written, entertaining, enlightening content here anywhere, on their mobile device. Read HOG in line at the DMV or waiting to get drilled at the dentist!
iOS App
If you are an iOS user, the app is also available on the Apple App Store here.
I’m thrilled to announce the Hooked on Golf Blog iOS app has been approved and is
now available for download in the Apple iTunes store! Now you can keep up to date with all of the incredible, brilliant, and entertaining content from this blog without having to use your computer or an internet browser. Just boot up the app on your mobile device and enjoy.
The HOG app was designed to be very user friendly and easy to use on a smartphone. The blog’s key content categories are quickly and easily accessed with as little as ONE finger tap! The app connects directly to the blog and gets any fresh content so you won’t miss one of the day’s many new TaylorMade driver announcements.
Back in 2004 Hooked on Golf Blog was a pioneer. There were only a couple of other golf blogs at the time. I’m proud and happy to blaze a new trail in golf blogging once again with what I believe is the first golf blog mobile app in existence. I may not be able to golf like I used to (more on that shortly) but I can sure code like mad.
Not an iOS user and wondering about alternate platforms? The other major platform version is in review now and will be released shortly. I will make another announcement on that.