Damn! I have to give credit where credit is due. Vegas odds were at 3.5 days before Golf.com would post their Hottest Women in Golf click bait. I had my money on six days and Golf.com blew that out of the water by lasting a whole ELEVEN days before posting pictures of Holly Saunders in a g-string.
This grows something, but I don’t think it grows golf…
It must have been hard for them to resist hitting that publish button for so long. I guess ad revenue for 2016 was sagging a bit.
Thanks Golf.com for all you do to grow the game. These pictures are such great golf journalism. Re-posting Instagram photos can be tough work. These great Instagram photos will serve well to make the game more enjoyable, less expensive, and less time consuming. I’m sure people around the world will look at this objectification of women and flock to the game, especially women.
This is hillarious. I was just writing a post to say how I have no interest in so called “Instagram Star” Paige Spiranac. So I dug out the photo below to help with my comments.
It was at that point that I realized Paige Spiranac is not in the photo. I’ve seen so many of these from Golf Digest I’m getting them all mixed up now. Above is some other hot female that Golf Digest and numerous other golf “magazines” are going to exploit for cheap web traffic, shoving her in my face on social networks, until the cows come home.
Anyway back on Paige… I simply can’t wait for more “photo galleries” from Instagram, you know, disguised as golf journalism. Please do the “up-skirt” ones, those are my favorite. “I can see her vag… Oh DAMMIT she’s wearing a skort!!”
Congrats. You’ve just scored a ZERO on my Golf-Give-a-Shit-O-Meter.
UPDATE: The last sentence has spawned a new feature which will be officially implemented in 2016, the Hooked On Golf Blog Give-a-Shit-O-Meter:
Are you on Google Plus? Yes many think it is a ghost town, but there are some fairly large golf communities with thousands of members. Give Hooked On Golf Blog’s G+ page a follow, as well as my personal G+ and I’ll follow you back.
Care to join me for some Beer Golf? There are women too!
One new follower I picked up today is “Beer Golf and Women.” Naturally I was intrigued by this. Not because of beer and women, but because of the missing comma in the name. Or perhaps I’m presuming it was a mistake. I would think it should read “Beer, Golf and Women.” Without the comma it implies that “Beer Golf” is a single activity.
Wait a sec…
Beer Golf? That’s absolutely brilliant. I love the sound of that. I’ve been struggling with my regular golf game but I could really sink my taste buds into “Beer Golf.”
Paula Creamer and Natalie Gulbis are golf babes, yes. Crowd favorites with the boys (and some heterosexually challenged girls as well I’m sure) and for good reason. Man if you only knew what I typed here and then deleted. I have to watch what I type. I could get myself in trouble… Anyway, in my eye Paula and Natalie are distant bogeys on the scorecard compared to Anna Rawson.
I don’t normally cover many of the 20 or so press releases a day that hit my in box. But any chance to “work” on, google at, slobber over, pics of Anna Rawson and I’m good to go.
I got some cryptic emails from GoDaddy saying I should go to Phoenix for a big announcement a while back. Had I known it would involve Anna, I would have caught a plane, bus, car, skateboard or plain walked there. The announcement was that Anna was named a GoDaddy spokesperson.
Maybe someday I’ll meet Anna. I just hope I don’t swallow my tongue when I do.
UPDATE: Perhaps I need some medical help. I posted this golf blog at 5:30pm my time. Since posting it, I’ve been staring at it. It is now 5:49pm. Where did the last 29 minutes go? Can’t do math either, it was 19 minutes. Must… go… to… different… page… 5:51pm now…