Golf Channel Tiger Woods

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, January 9th, 2010
Categories: Golf MediaPGA TourTiger Woods

I know there are many critics of The Golf Channel.  I’ve been one.  They’re the best golf television channel out there, and the worst.  They’re the only one so they lay claim to both awards.

Many people, myself included, have complained about the “all Tiger all the time TGC coverage.”  I’d wondered if that would change now that Tiger is on indefinite leave.

So last night I tune in.  I watch Stewart Cink sink a putt.  Then they cut to the TGC talking heads, who then talk about Tiger for the next several minutes.  Haha.  My first time watching TGC this year, and the first three minutes contain five seconds of actual golf and 2:55 of Tiger.  Random luck perhaps…

I’d rather play golf than watch it

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, January 9th, 2010
Categories: Miscellaneous

I watched some of the broadcast last night from Hawaii.  The PGA Tour’s first tournament of the year.  I came to the conclusion that though I enjoy watching golf, I’d rather be playing by a long shot.  Pun intended.

Srixon Z-Star Golf Ball

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, January 8th, 2010
Categories: Golf BallsGolf EquipmentGolf GearReviews

I’ve had the pleasure of evaluating several different brands and models of golf balls over the last season.  I’m beginning to wonder if any company is making a bad golf ball these days.  One of the very best is the Srixon Z-Star and Z-Star-x series.  The Z-Star is the softer and and more “spinny” of the two.

Z-Star Construction

The Z-Star is a three layer ball.  The three layers are the core, mid-layer and cover.

The cover is .02 inches and made of urethane.  The thin cover helps the player control shots and gives the player great control in the short game.


Golf on TV, first week of 2010!

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, January 8th, 2010
Categories: Champions TourEuropean TourGolf MediaLPGA TourPGA Tour

SBS Championship

Thursday 1/7 3:30 PM – 8:00 PM ET GOLF
Friday 1/8 6:00 PM – 10:30 PM ET GOLF
Saturday 1/9 6:00 PM – 10:30 PM ET GOLF
Sunday 1/10 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET GOLF

Honda PTT LPGA Thailand

Saturday 2/27 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET GOLF
Sunday 2/28 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET GOLF

Africa Open
European Tour

Thursday 1/7 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM ET GOLF
Friday 1/8 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM ET GOLF
Saturday 1/9 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM ET GOLF
Sunday 1/10 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM ET GOLF

Wendy’s Senior Skins Game
Champions Tour

Saturday 1/16 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM ET ESPN
Sunday 1/17 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET ESPN

Michael Hill New Zealand PGA Championship
Nationwide Tour

Saturday 1/30 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM ET GOLF
Sunday 1/31 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM ET GOLF

Moji gives golfers with bad backs their mojo back

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, January 7th, 2010
Categories: Golf AccessoriesGolf GearReviews

I’m icing right now.  My well documented golfer’s bad back has been pretty tweaked for the last few days.  Before I got my Moji Back icing and compression wrap, I used to get frozen guacamole or steaks out of my freezer and lay on them to ice my back.  While the icing part worked to help reduce pain, it really hurt my skin.

Moji Back Overview

The Moji Back is an icing method as well as a compression wrap or brace to help the back out.  During healing from times when my back goes out I’ll put a back brace on.  If I want to ice it too, once again it is guacamole.   The Moji Back combines back braces and guacamole into one excellent package.

Compression Wrap

The compression wrap molds to my back, and has a thicker area right where the spine is.  This helps get the cooling effect on the spine better.  The flat steak or guacamole missed that part.

Moji Cold Cell

This is very cool.  The “Cold Cell” is the icing component.  It is made out of a Dri-Lex Fabric which keeps moisture away from the skin and really helps prevent that painful sting direct icing can give me.  The Cold Cell pack has individual cells/pads with proprietary cooling gel in them.  They are soft and comfortable, once again unlike frozen guacamole.

The cell is kept in the freezer in a zippered plastic bag so it is ready for use.  The zippered bag keeps freezer moisture off the cell.


I put my Moji Back on just when I started writing this piece and I’m quite comfortable in my chair.  The fabric is soft and the cells provide even cooling without any irritation.  I’m feeling much better with less pain already.

Ease Of Use

The system couldn’t be easier to use.  Just freeze the Cell pack for four hours, put the pack on the velcro area of the brace and put the brace on.  Putting the brace on via the hand pockets on the front is very easy and easy to insure even pressure.

Moji Images

I usually like to use my own images, being a bit of a photography nut.  But in the case of Moji, their model is much better looking than me so I’m using her.  For more Moji images, click here for the HOG Moji Gallery.


Don’t quote me on this number, but I’d bet 3-4 out of ever five golfers has back issues.  Whenever I hear of a pal with back problems I really feel for them.  I know what it is like to not be able to put my socks on without feeling like someone is stabbing an ice pic in my spine.  The Moji Back system, while more expensive (but less tasty) than guacamole at a list of $129, is a great way to treat back pain and give the back support, even without the cooling.

The Moji web site is awesome.  There is plenty of info on this and their other products, plus a wealth of information about various forms of pain, prevention and treatment.  They also have a blog, videos and a store.

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