Injured Iraq war vet and golf buddy gets new home

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, September 14th, 2009
Categories: Golf LifeLifeMiscellaneous

I’ve made a new friend this year, who I’ve taken under my golf wing a bit. Tuesdays this season I’ve been playing golf with Bryant Jacobs (pictured right), an injured Iraq war veteran. Bryant was nearly killed by a bomb designed to destroy a tank. Bryant has extensive injuries and can’t walk very well. He’s in constant pain. Despite all the pain and injury he has endured, I’ve NEVER heard Bryant complain once.

Golf has been, and will continue to be good therapy for Bryant. He’s hooked on golf for sure. He has some limitations physically but still is very strong. When he connects with his driver he can hit the ball a mile. Bryant struggles with golf as we all do, but he sticks at it. Even when he has bad days on the course, he comes back for more.

I’ve been planning on doing some interviews with Bryant. There are so many questions I have for him we’ve decided to do it via video. Stay tuned for that interview soon.

Bryant’s new home, courtesy of Homes For Our Troops

Saturday I attended a spectacular and humbling event. This event was the key ceremony where Bryant was given a new home by a wonderful organization called Homes For Our Troops. Homes for our troops builds custom homes for severely injured war veterans. The homes are set up specifically to make life easier for the injured veterans by giving them easy access to appliances, heating the sidewalks so there’s no ice, providing easy entry and exit to the shower and bathroom etc.

At the key ceremony I met Larry Gill (pictured right, speaking at Bryant’s key ceremony), who just may have the most rewarding job in the world. He’s the “Veterans’ Liaison” for Homes For Our Troops. He gets to hang out with the vets, help with the arrangements and design of the homes, and best of all present the new owners with the keys. I chatted with Larry for an extensive period of time and he told me all sorts of great stories about the homes they’ve built, and will be building for our injured veterans.

Larry lit up when we talked about golf, as golfers do. He even mentioned another organization helping veterans called Birdies For The Brave. That is one which Phil Mickelson helps out. Phil donates $100 for every birdie and $500 for every eagle he makes… for the rest of his career. Bravo.

Here are a few pictures of the key ceremony for Bryant below with captions. If you want to see them all, they’re located in the HOG Homes For Our Troops Gallery.





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