Congratulations Lucas Glover – US OPEN Champion

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, June 22nd, 2009
Categories: PGA TourTiger Woods

Lucas Glover proved today that he has the biggest kahunas in golf by winning the US OPEN.  Glover was very smart in playing conservatively on the last hole to protect his lead.

HOG congratulates you Lucas.  Your life will never be the same.

David Duval quote of the day

David Duval had a hell of a showing and realistically could have won, despite having a triple bogey on his first hole.

In the post round interview when asked what his performance meant to him he said, “maybe people will stop asking me if I’m playing well.”

US OPEN meltdown in progress

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, June 22nd, 2009
Categories: PGA TourTiger Woods

I feel the need to paste a quote in here which I posted on Jay Flemma’s facebook yesterday regarding the US OPEN. The comment is regarding the leader Ricky Barnes:

He’s got a complicated swing with a lot of moving parts. If it breaks down, he could drop quicker than the pants off of a myspace stripper.

The final round of the US OPEN is where the pressure causes all those complicated swings to break down.  Can Ricky Barnes or Lucas Glover hold on?  They’re backing up.  Duval tripled his first hole.

Monday TV coverage of the 2009 US OPEN

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, June 22nd, 2009
Categories: PGA TourTiger Woods

9:00am-11:30am ET: ESPN

11:30am ET-End Of Play: NBC

USGA reverses a terrible decision. Thursday ticket holders may attend Monday round.

Written by: Tony Korologos | Sunday, June 21st, 2009
Categories: PGA TourTiger Woods

The USGA was looking pretty bad after Thursday’s rain out.  40,000 or so people who watched a max of 11 holes of US OPEN golf Thursday (lead group made it to #11) were SOL and couldn’t use their tickets to see any other rounds.

Friday the USGA reversed that decision and saved face IF there’s a Monday finish.  Unfortunately they told people to throw away their tickets but the USGA has a provision for that as can be read in Rand Jerris’ (USGA director of communications) statement below.

“Those people who no longer have their tickets can go to will call, where we have records of ticket buyers.  We have 20,000 e-mail addresses of ticket buyers, we have credit card receipts. There are a number of ways to identify our ticket buyers if they threw away their tickets.”

I’m sure there are a lot of peoople who’s tickets were not acquired directly.  They may have been sold, gifted, ebayed (that is a word), scalped…  I guess those people are out of luck.

Monday finish in the US OPEN

Written by: Tony Korologos | Sunday, June 21st, 2009
Categories: PGA TourTiger Woods

The weather at Bethpage Black in the US OPEN isn’t cooperating.  It is looking like we get to watch US OPEN golf on Monday.  Imagine if there’s a playoff and more bad weather.  We could be looking at Tuesday and beyond!

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