Iguana Golf Ball

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, November 3rd, 2014
Categories: Golf VideosMiscellaneousPGA Tour

I wanna iguana golf ball…

I can verify that there are some very large iguanas at the Puerto Rico Open, having encountered a few myself. This guy isn’t even that big, but I’d sure not want to mess with him!

Review: Gran Melia resort in Puerto Rico

Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, July 20th, 2010
Categories: Golf CoursesGolf LifeGolf LifestyleLifeReviewsTravel

I couldn’t have imagined that starting a golf blog in 2004 would result in my attending the PGA Tour’s Puerto Rico Open and staying at the beautiful Gran Melia Resort in Puerto Rico six years later.  But that’s one of many great events which has occurred as a result of being the web’s #1 golf web geek.

Location Location Location

Let’s start with Gran Melia’s location, Puerto Rico.  This was my first time there and I loved it.  The weather was rainy the first day or so, but even then it was beautiful.  The resort is located in the city of Rio Grande, about a 30 minute drive from the Puerto Rico airport and from the most well known PR city of San Juan.

The resort sits on Coco Beach in the northeastern coast, where the water is very calm and shallow.


Puerto Rico Day One

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, March 12th, 2010
Categories: PGA TourSite News

I’m SO tired I can’t even begin to express how I must crash and go to sleep.  Today was a great day, full of awesome events like simply GETTING HERE.  I met several PGA Tour players, shot a ton of images and the best part of the night was meeting my new pal and golf legend Chi Chi Rodriguez.  I sat and talked to Chi Chi and his wife for a while.  What a great guy, and the ambassador of golf to Puerto Rico.

I’d love to cover more, but I haven’t slept in nearly 48 hours… Must go to bed now.   Stay tuned.

I’m also tweeting and facebooking my updates from Puerto Rico so check them out.





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