I officially give Sergio a pass, an apology and extend my best wishes. I feel your pain man. Let me buy you a beer.

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, May 28th, 2009
Categories: Life

Anyone who has read my blog with any regularity knows I’ve been, shall we say, “critical” of Sergio Garcia.  The spit incident tarnished my respect for him long ago.  Recently Sergio’s play hasn’t been great and the old me was there to ride that horse, predicting a poor performance in the Masters and making fun of the promotion awarding free TaylorMade drivers to players who bought them before the Masters if Garcia won…

Now we know why Sergio’s play has been so rocky, he’s done with Greg Norman’s daughter Morgan Leigh

Back during the Masters I commented that Sergio had a look in his eye which didn’t look right.  It didn’t look good at all.  I wasn’t sure if he was ill, being audited by the IRS or what.  He looked beaten down.  He looked like he was in a daze.

As it turns out his relationship with Greg Norman’s daughter Morgan Leigh is over.  Some articles are saying he was “dumped” which is not terribly nice.

I feel your pain Sergio.  Can I buy you a beer?

Well guess what?  My game has SUCKED this season so far.  My handicap has TRIPLED and it is still getting worse.  I’ve thought about hanging it up a few times.  I’m so fragile emotionally on the course I want to cry with joy when I make a birdie and throw a temper tantrum like a big baby when I make a bogey.  I’m an emotional wreck now and my concentration level is horrid.

I’m in a similar boat to my now friend in misery Mr. Garcia.  I too broke off a relationship months ago.  It has been very tough.  Food hasn’t been terribly appealing and I have moments where I just stare off into space.  Several times a week I just want to go to sleep in the middle of the day, though I got plenty of sleep the night before.  In my morning shower I have these moments where I just fade off into some other universe.  I’m not exactly sure how long I stare at the wall of the shower some mornings.   I’ve lost 22 pounds in two months. It has been tough to gag food down and sometimes I’ll realize I haven’t eaten a meal in 24 hours or more, just a couple of olives.

Getting better slowly

I’m slowly adjusting to having that big hole in my personal life without a special lady who I thought was the perverbial “one.”  If Sergio felt the same way as I did, you can be sure his game won’t be back any time soon.  I’m about four months in and just barely coming out of my shell.  I still have moments where I zap back to the past and get sad, but I’m trying to move on and move forward.  I’ve now got the feelers out to friends and some dating sites, and maybe I’ll find me a nice lady who golfs.

So Sergio…

So Sergio I humbly apologize for all the crap I’ve given you here on my little golf blog.  I feel your pain man.  It will get better, but not as quick as you may hope.  That pain will never really go away.  You’ll just figure out how to process it.  Call it a character builder like those four foot putts.

You’ll always have those painful memories tucked away in the back of your golf bag, but you’ll find happiness in the future.  At least thats my plan.





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