I Barf as I Type This, But Hooked on Golf Blog is Now on Instagram

Written by: Tony Korologos | Sunday, April 24th, 2016
Categories: MiscellaneousSite News

I need another social network like I need a worse short game.  I’ve resisted Instalame, I mean Instagram, for a long time.  There are many reasons I’ve not been a fan of Instagram and not joined it:

  • I can’t stand the crappy pictures shot on cell phone cameras which are then over-processed with instalame filters.  “Ooohhh you’re such a great ‘photographer!'”  LOL.
  • I don’t dig square pictures*.  Sometimes I use them but in general I like to shoot wide panoramas of golf courses and square just doesn’t cut it.
  • I can’t upload images from my computer.  I often shoot raw images with one of my many cameras, then process the raw settings in photoshop to get the best quality and exposure I can, then upload to the web.  Not being able to upload photos from a computer is one of the dumbest things ever.

Despite those irritants, I’ve decided to take Instagram for a spin now.  

Hell of a sand trap. #nofilter

A photo posted by Hooked on Golf Blog (@hookedongolfblog) on

Click the following link to follow Hooked on Golf Blog on Instagram or on the button below:


I’ve been capturing a lot of pictures with my smartphone lately.  Smartphone cameras keep getting better and better.  But it’s a pain to download them to my computer, then edit them in Photoshop, then upload them here to be displayed.  If I can go straight from my phone to Instagram I can then just embed the photos.  It does make the workflow a little easier.

Because Instagram is so big in terms of members, I might be able to make a few new connections and bring in some traffic from users who find HOG there and not on other social networks.  Even if I get a few new happy patrons it will be worth it. Photos I post there will likely only be from my phone, and not edited or processed.

*I did find a way around the square images, which is good. You can click a little icon in the post window in Instagram which switches from square to actual picture dimensions. I will not be posting much square stuff now.

New Gallery Coming in 2016

I have recently found out that the image gallery engine I’m using here has been mothballed.  So I’m testing out using Instagram (Twitter, G+ and Facebook) as my photo repositories. Free storage.  Each one of these has its inherent problems though.  Instagram’s are that the image size is reduced.  Facebook’s photo quality is crap.  Google plus is likely to go away due to the fact that it’s a ghost town.  That leaves Twitter, which so far has been the best to deal with for images.  But still I can’t organize the photos into albums, sort them, edit them, etc…

Those reasons above are why I’ve decided to program my own photo gallery in PHP.  It’s come along but not ready to use yet.

So there you have it. HOG is now on Instagram.  Can’t wait to see more Paulina Gretzky and Paige Spirinac yoga pants photos there. #barf





HOG Twitter


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