The Golf Space celebrates four years of golf social networking!

Written by: Tony Korologos | Sunday, April 25th, 2010
Categories: Golf MediaGolf VideosMiscellaneousSite News


I officially opened the doors of The Golf Space, golf’s #1 social networking site, during Masters week of 2006.  Since then I’ve had the pleasure of meeting thousands of great new golf friends, reading their golf blogs, watching their golf scores and statistics, seeing their photos and best of all, seeing TGS members network and make golf new golf friends. Calling The Golf Space “Facebook for gofers” doesn’t quite do it justice.  TGS was built by golfers, for golfers.  The features and profile fields are all golf biased.

The goal behind TGS is the same simple one it was four years ago, be the web’s best golf networking site.  Be the best “community” in golf anywhere and provide a free home base for golfers to congregate, talk golf, track their golf handicaps, blog, post photos, videos and make new golf connections both in the personal and business worlds.  Every day I see people meeting, getting together to play, giving each other advice and helping each other out on TGS.  When I see those great things happen I smile like a proud papa.

State of TGS

There are over 5100 Golf Space members and growing daily.  Hits exceed 1,000,000 per month with over 75,000 unique visitors.  Considering there’s no advertising budget, this grass roots growth is great.  I’d love to see more members and growth increase, so tell your friends to join The Golf Space.  It is free so there’s nothing to lose but much to gain in the way of friendships, business connections and perhaps help with your short game.

Future of TGS

I think the future is bright for TGS, especially based on how great the current core members are.  I’d love to hear some suggestions on how to make TGS grow and how to make it better.  Some items on the list for TGS in the future would be to improve the site, the look, add new features, make a mobile version for iPhones or blackberries, have TGS tournaments and get-togethers, beer and bratwursts.  You name it.  I’m always up for suggestions.  Oh and I’d love to give away a bunch more free golf stuff too.  Anyone who wants to sponsor some prizes and has giveaway or contest ideas, let me know.

Thanks to the current TGS members, sponsors and friends

Many thanks to the current TGS members, friends, admins and sponsors.  Without your support and friendship this great resource for golfers would not exist.  When the concept of TGS entered my cranium back in the winter of 2006, I nearly drove my car off the road.  I’ve been passionate about TGS ever since, and I promise I’ll do whatever I can to help TGS continue to grow and improve in the future.

Tony Korologos
Golf Space founder and golf web geek


The Golf Space reaches six million unique visitors

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, July 13th, 2009
Categories: GolfGolf LifeGolf LifestyleGolf MediaLifeMiscellaneousSite News

My other site is The Golf Space, a 100% free online golf community or social networking site. It is basically a site built strictly for golfers like Facebook or MySpace (without the strippers or the spam).

At The Golf Space members have free profiles with blogs, photo galleries, golf stat trackers, networking tools, forums, golf instruction, videos and a zillion other online tools designed for golfers. Below is one sample image of a member profile:

“TGS” has now gone over the SIX MILLION unique visitor mark since opening Masters week 2006!

The Golf Space begins fourth year of golf social networking

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, April 15th, 2009
Categories: Golf MediaReviews

My other golf site is called The Golf Space. The Golf Space is a social networking site, like Facebook or Myspace, only specifically built for golf and golf businesses.

The Golf Space is celebrating it’s 3rd birthday!  The site is 100% free and I’m proud to say membership is over 4100 and visitors have hit the site over five million times since it opened during Masters week of 2006.

I’m constantly working on The Golf Space, adding new features and tweaks.  All features are free to members.

Here’s a sample profile:

Golf Space member profiles include:

About – An area where members tell each other about themselves, their location, their favorite courses and more.

MyGame – Members can fill out the strengths and weaknesses of their game, tee time preferences and other game info.

Equipment – Member profiles have an equipment tab listing all of their golf gear.

Blogs – Each Golf Space member has a full blogging system for personal or business blogging.

Photos – Complete photo gallery

Matchmaker – Looking for “the one” who also happens to golf?

Golf Scores & Stats – Track your golf scores, handicap and detailed statistics of your game.  FREE.

Videos – Member videos, golf swing videos etc.

Business – Golf business info goes here!

Golf Space Site Wide Features:

Golf Discussion Forum – Talk golf!

Golf News – The latest in the golf world.

Golf Articles – Golf related articles, reviews and editorials.

No Spam – Golf Space member profiles are all individually read and manually approved.  No robotic registrations or questionable profiles are allowed.

No Strippers – Golfers are generally classy individuals.  Unlike MySpace and other networking sites, no strippers are allowed!

Karma – I invented a system which allows TGS members to give each other positive Karma.  Each month and at the end of the year, Karma winners receive golf prizes!

Stop by and check out The Golf Space!

I ask you to stop by The Golf Space and check it out.  If you aren’t a member, it only takes a few seconds to sign up and start making golf connections!





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