Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Reviews
The Sand Trap is one of the best golf sites around. There are a ton of great articles and reviews. Plus they have a forum as well. There’s a great review on the new MacGregor V-FOIL M675 Irons written by…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Reviews
The Visiball glasses are supposed to make you see golf balls you might not see with the naked eye. Do they work? Here’s a quick little review to find out. The Science The Visiball glasses are designed to reduce the…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Reviews
I’ve been in discussions with MacGregor Golf for a few months about doing some reviews of their gear. Finally they sent the first piece of gear for me to review: The Bobby Grace designed V-FOIL M5K-GT. I’ve been using this…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Equipment, Reviews
I’m beginning to wonder if there are any bad golf balls out there. As a religious ProV1 user for years I thought there was only one ball. But having this fun blog is forcing me to have to try some…
Category: Golf Courses, Reviews, Travel
If you’ve never been to southern Utah, you are missing out on some of the most beautiful terrain in the world: Red Rock Country. In Red Rock Country there are stunning red rock plateaus, canyons and mountains. An old wives…