It’s Thanksgiving morning and I’m enjoying a coffee while my little guy (4) plays with his train on the kitchen floor. What a great morning.
I’ve just arrived home from a tremendous HOG World Tour trip to Morocco. After 34 hours I arrived at 12:30am Thanksgiving morning. On the flight back I was thinking about how thankful I am for opportunities like this which come up because of this blog. Opportunities like this don’t just happen because you have a blog per se. They happen as a return for the hard work I’ve put in for the last 11+ years. Still, I’m thankful. Who would have imagined that I’d be visiting an incredible mosque in Morocco because of a golf blog?
Rabat Mosque
I was also thinking about all the great people I’ve met through having a popular golf blog. Some are simply business associates in the golf industry, and many have developed into very good friendships which will last a lifetime. I’m extremely thankful for the connections I’ve established in the golf world. I’ve met so many interesting, smart, creative, and great people. You have enriched my world and for that I thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving!