I’ve returned from the beautiful country Scotland; a tremendous golf travel adventure with four other “Lads” from the USA and with a few new and old friends in Scotland. I did not have much internet connectivity while in Scotland to post blog entries or photos and that’s fine. My time was spent on the golf course and experiencing Scotland.
Cruden Bay – ©2016 by Tony Korologos
I have hundreds of photos to sift through and many memories to share. Those memories will be flowing here for a while. Below are some statistics and a cliffnotes version of the adventure.
This year’s trip had two segments: the northeast coast and the Fife area which includes the town of St Andrews and the courses in the area. The Lads also played a warmup round in the Philadelphia area because golfers must warm up the day before playing 12 rounds on 11 courses in Scotland!
Courses Played in Order of Play
Castle Course – ©2016 by Tony Korologos
I did document with detail a day or two of the trip and I will be doing the same for the rest of the days as time permits. My recaps of the trip will obviously not be in chronological order. I will surely be posting many shorter random thoughts and photos from the 2016 HOG World Tour trip to Scotland here at Hooked on Golf Blog as well as the HOG Twitter @HOGGOLFBLOG, my personal Twitter @TheGolfSpace, and on Facebook.
Stay tuned. If there are any questions you have about any of the courses or Scotland golf in general, ask away. I’ll light up with excitement no doubt.