Three years ago today this photo below was captured. It was a day which changed my world; the day little Seve was born. Yes, Seve. Cool name eh? This morning my heart melted a thousandth when I wished him a happy birthday and he ran to me for a big morning hug.
“Drive for show. Putt for dough, son. But don’t be afraid to let the big dog eat!”
I’ve very much enjoyed the last three years, barring a few (hundred) sleepless nights and a few (hundred) messy diapers. Those lowlights are few and far between now.
I was skeptical about having an offspring at such a late age, but thankfully my lovely bride talked me into it. I’ve enjoyed discovering the world with this little guy, who is very inquisitive and interested in all things mechanical. Wheels, hinges, latches, tracks, trains, locks, water, sand, are all things that Sev has intense focus toward. He can roll a drawer back and forth hundreds of times analyzing how it moves. He loves watching physical interactions between objects like wheels on tracks, or sand/water going from one cup to another. My guess at this point is he will be some kind of mechanical engineer or designer.
I’ve enjoyed how playful and silly he can be, and wrestling around with him as he laughs so hard he can hardly stand it. We enjoy hiking, walking, hitting balls in the backyard, going to football games.
You can tell, even at this young age, that he has a kind soul. His innocence is so fun and I hope to hell I can keep him that way as long as possible.
He is a completely stubborn individual, just like mom. Mom would say he gets that from me. Double whammy I suppose.
Hats off to my little guy Seve. Happy birthday son. I can’t wait to see what your third year has in store for you.