Ohhhhh. Gear head alert. I’ve got my hands on a Bridgestone J40 445 driver, which will be in play at 9:16am tomorrow. A report will follow naturally. This driver has a deep face and looks nice standing over it.
Looks great. Hope hit plays great at 9:16 am tomorrow. Bridgestone J40 45 Driver. Click for more images.
Stay tuned for my first impressions tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon.
I will be interested to see what you think about this Driver. I am presently on the Market for a new one. The one I currently use is about 10 years old. (maybe older)
Time to update!
Didn’t get the range time to test out the clubs before the Thursday $$$ game due to road construction/traffic. But I did hit the driver a couple of times after I hit my regular drive. I also hit the 3W three times and must say that the 3w is an INSTANT gamer. It is going straight in the bag.