Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-31

Written by: Tony Korologos | Sunday, January 31st, 2010
Categories: Miscellaneous
  • Now in SLC airport waiting for flight to Orlando. #
  • Ran into my pal Shanego in the Denver airport! #
  • Just landed in Mickey town. #

Denver airport restaraunt

Written by: Tony Korologos | Sunday, January 31st, 2010
Categories: Boneheads

Ordering food in Denver airport restaraunt.

Me: Ill have the Caesar salad.

Waiter: What kind of dressing do you want with that?

Me: Caesar.

2010 PGA Merchandise Show – Weszty Golf

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, January 29th, 2010
Categories: Golf ClubsGolf EquipmentGolf Gear

I have a pal named John who makes a series of irons. His brand name is Weszty Golf. I’ve reviewed one set of the Weszty irons to date, with another review on the way soon.

Here in this video below, I caught up with John and got the lowdown on his three models of irons.

Tail Of The Tiger Golf Balls – 2010 PGA SHOW

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, January 28th, 2010
Categories: Tiger Woods

I’ve only been able to squeeze in two one minute video pieces to my show coverage since I’m working a booth this year. But I don’t need to shoot anything else. I found the “show stopper.”

Tail Of The Tiger Golf Balls

Tail Of The Tiger Golf Balls is a set of one dozen golf balls, each of which contains one of the first 12 mistresses of Tiger Woods. Picture and video below. If the video isn’t there yet, it is still processing.

Bridgestone announces two new flavors of B330-RX – YUM!

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, January 28th, 2010
Categories: Golf BallsGolf EquipmentGolf Gear

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend a super high end media only event at this year’s PGA Show, the announcement by my good friends at Bridgestone Golf about their new flavors of B330-RX. The RX (RX must be because the ball is prescription strength) is perhaps my favorite golf ball.

Two new series, the RX and RXS will cater even more to golfers (like me) with slower swing speeds.

Here’s my original Bridgestone B330-RX golf ball review.

Bridgestone’s press release is below.

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