Pro Bag Ads puts LCD display ads on pro golfers’ bags. Tiger Woods’ teeth next…

Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009
Categories: GolfGolf MediaMiscellaneous

Video ads in golf bags?

I was doing my regular blog reading rounds when I came across this nugget on my favorite stops at Geoff Shackelford’s blog. Pro Bag Ads is the first company I’ve seen who is putting paid advertising via an LCD screen in pro golfer’s golf bags.  So far I see only Michael Allen on their list of players.

More “ED” ads on the way!

I’m surprised someone didn’t think of this sooner really.  Obviously the golf industry could use some new avenues to distribute more erectile dysfunction ads.  We don’t have enough as it is.

What’s next?  I can see ’em now

I did some deeper research and found some new development on LCD ads and golf.  Soon we’ll be seeing LCD video ads on golfer’s shirts, hats and even more…