Leading Golf Blogger Releases His Own Ground Breaking Masters Apparel Script

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, April 10th, 2013
Categories: GolfGolf AccessoriesGolf ApparelGolf GearThe Masters

SANDY, UT – April 10, 2013 – Golf blogging veteran from Hooked On Golf Blog, Tony Korologos, has released a ground breaking new Masters apparel script.  The script showcases incredible creativity as well as trend setting color combinations never before seen in the golf apparel industry.


Tony Korologos’s apparel script – click to enlarge

“With all these PR agencies and golf companies releasing their apparel scripts of PGA Tour players, I felt the public needed a more realistic, down to earth, grass roots, every-day-Joe-hacker apparel script.  It took months of research and market testing to conclude that the best colors to match with black were black and of course black.  Adding to the stylish, yet creative color scheme are the Masters hat and socks, which provide a top and bottom to the ensemble.”   ~Hooked On Golf Blog Blogger, Author, janitor, writer, blogger and editor Tony Korologos

Never before seen in a golf apparel script, Korologos includes socks and undies.  The undies, according to Korologos, can be a crucial piece to the golf performance puzzle.  Proper undies can be the difference between a win and a loss, or in his case the difference between winning and losing a $2.00 nassau:

“Of all the hundreds of golf apparel scripts out there, none of them include the undies of the player.  We all know that socks and especially undies are crucial to the performance of the player.  How the scripts don’t include undies is beyond me.  I know from personal experience that I putt much better when I don’t have my undies bunched up in my crack.  Sure including undies in an apparel script is risky, but it has to be done.  Someone had to have the balls to do it.” ~Tony Korologos

Korologos understands that releasing this amazing new apparel script may lead to copy-cat scripts from the large apparel manufacturers:

“Being a pioneer in golf apparel isn’t exactly my goal.  It is just a byproduct of what I’m doing to contribute in my own small way to the game of golf and the golf industry.  I understand large apparel manufacturers and PR agencies will copy this concept and I’m fine with that.  In the end, the growth of the game of golf and the increased enjoyment of golfers is what is most important.”  ~Tony Korologos

2 responses to “Leading Golf Blogger Releases His Own Ground Breaking Masters Apparel Script”

  1. burt glick says:

    very creative and distinctive you should be very visible if the T V cameras spot you .Where did you buy the socks?

  2. Mark Werlein says:

    This is great so long as the socks are the same pair each day. 🙂





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